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Should You Own a Vacation Home With Family or Friends? Thumbnail
Investment Insights Financial Planning

Should You Own a Vacation Home With Family or Friends?

Is traveling with family or friends your preferred way to vacation? Do you and your loved ones have a special vacation spot that you'd like to spend more time at during the year? Making a group purchase of a vacation house could be a great way to share more good times. Co-owning a second home can reduce the financial burden for everyone involved, including smaller down payments and, potentially, an easier qualification process for a mortgage. When you can't all vacation together, individual families will have a low-cost vacation option. Renting the property when no one is using it could provide all owners with some extra income. And with multiple groups staying at the house throughout the year, it’s more likely you'll perform regular maintenance. However, these benefits could be outweighed by potential conflicts that could damage both your finances and your relationships. Sit down with your vacation crew and answer these four questions to decide if sharing a vacation home will improve or complicate your Return on Life.

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How to Develop a Family Mission Statement Thumbnail

How to Develop a Family Mission Statement

Productivity expert Stephen Covey describes a family mission statement as “a combined, unified expression from all family members of what your family is all about — what it is you really want to do and be — and the principles you choose to govern your family life.” Writing this statement can be a family activity that aligns everyone to shared values and goals while also teaching younger children what improving Return on Life really means. Work through these four steps with your family to create a mission statement that will inspire and endure.

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