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The Latest Insights
for a Healthy Financial Future

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Insights Giving Strategies

Giving While Living

If philanthropy is part of your legacy plan, the best time to start giving back could be right now. Spending on other people is one of the most rewarding ways we can use our money. And seeing your generosity in action might give you some ideas on how to improve your legacy planning and Return on Life for your beneficiaries. Here are three ways you can kickstart your legacy plan and take a more active role in your long-term philanthropy goals.

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Renting vs. Owning in Retirement   Thumbnail
Retirement Funding Insights

Renting vs. Owning in Retirement

For many people, buying a home fulfills a dream that's tied to important personal, professional, and financial goals. The feeling that they would be abandoning that dream can be a big reason why homeowners resist the idea of downsizing and renting in retirement. But as you age, owning can create a series of challenges that might affect the Return on Life you're getting from your home. Here are some of the reasons why renting might be an attractive solution.

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